Gear & Equipment
Be prepared to rent equipment if pooling of equipment is not possible or if certain equipment is required due to safety considerations (i.e. avalanche probes, tents, stoves, etc.).
Bring a personal first aid kit. Include band aids, dressings, moleskin, duct tape, pain medications, etc.
Know the suitability and condition of your equipment and communicate any potential for problems to the groups.
Have good quality waterproof hiking boots and hiking socks.
Shoes to change into at the end of the hike are useful as well as a plastic bag to put hiking boots in for the return trip home.
Hiking poles and gaiters can be beneficial.
Have a sturdy pack. A wider hip belt helps to support pack weight on your hips.
Possible items to include in your pack depending on the nature of the trip can include:
headlamp, bandana, sunglasses, sun block, extra socks, silver emergency blanket, bug repellant, plastic bags (preferably orange), sit pad, waterproof matches, bear spray, camera, binoculars, map, trail guides, I.D. with contact numbers, medication list and an allergy list